Elizabeth was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 6. We've had a tough road,
trying different medicines, and now at age 11, we are on the last anti-seizure
drug she can take. Last year we got the seizures stopped, but then she began drastically losing weight and began failing school.
Sometimes I wonder about the world we live in and why children have to face such trying times.
Chaos will be largely about her.
In this story, Elektra finds herself inexplicably turned from bad guy to good, and having to save the day like the hero she isn't. But she's not doing well, and each step toward helping others feels like a heavy burden on herself. She'll have to face all the things she's afraid of and figure out how to turn this bad thing she's been given into something that can actually be an instrument for good.
This story was all Elizabeth's idea and she wanted to be on the cover. We'll have a book trailer coming out on this one soon.
If you want to learn more about Elizabeth and her diagnosis, we made an educational video about getting tested for epilepsy that is used all over the world for parents whose children have to undergo everything we've already been through.
Sometimes I wonder about the world we live in and why children have to face such trying times.

In this story, Elektra finds herself inexplicably turned from bad guy to good, and having to save the day like the hero she isn't. But she's not doing well, and each step toward helping others feels like a heavy burden on herself. She'll have to face all the things she's afraid of and figure out how to turn this bad thing she's been given into something that can actually be an instrument for good.
This story was all Elizabeth's idea and she wanted to be on the cover. We'll have a book trailer coming out on this one soon.
If you want to learn more about Elizabeth and her diagnosis, we made an educational video about getting tested for epilepsy that is used all over the world for parents whose children have to undergo everything we've already been through.